Importing Shipping Info for Customer Orders

If you're a Marketplace Seller, you can now import batch shipping information for your orders, allowing you to easily apply the shipping status and tracking information. When you process orders, you may download all of your tracking information from your shipping label provider and upload that information directly to our system. The tracking information will be imported to the correct orders, and all orders updated this way will also have their shipping status set to "Shipped." 

Update your original export file with the appropriate tracking information for each Order Number, then import the updated shipping information document into to automatically update the status and information for included orders. To do this:

1. Export your order information.

2. Import the CSV file into your shipping tool of choice (, etc.), including the TCGplayer Order Number.

3. Add tracking data for your orders within your shipping tool application. Then generate an export that includes shipping status and tracking in addition to the original order information that you exported from The "Order Number" and "Tracking Number" are the only required fields.

4. For any orders that don't require tracking, add the word "Shipped" as a keyword on that file to indicate that it was shipped.

Note: We recommend adding tracking to orders over $20 for your own protection, and our shipping guidelines require you to enter tracking for any order over $49.99 and get signature confirmation for any order over $250. If tracking is required and you do not enter a tracking number, you'll get an error message when you attempt to import shipping info.

5. Import the updated shipping information document into to automatically update the status and information for included orders. To do this:


a. Go to the Orders tab in your Seller Portal and click the Import Tracking button.

b. Click the Choose File button within the upload screen to select the file.

c. Choose the appropriate CSV, XLS or XLSX file.

d. Click the Upload button.


After the import file is uploaded:

  • All orders with a valid tracking number will have their shipping status automatically updated to "Shipped," and the tracking number will be applied.

  • If an order requires tracking and it does not have a valid tracking number in the import file, then the order status will not be updated and you'll see an error message like the one below. W-2017-HelpCenter-articles-ImportingShippingInfo-ImportTrackingButton-Errors.png

  • When a tracking file is uploaded successfully with no errors, you'll see a success message like the one below.
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