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Getting Started


A Special Tax Command is a type of Tag Command that allows for custom tags to be added into the POS. These tags allow for additional commands and prompts to be utilized, apart from the basic commands. Tag Commands use Shopify tags to add special instructions to products that extend their behavior in the Point of Sale. Their structure appears as:




This structure is formatted where XX is a two or three letter all caps command, and yy are the arguments. The last argument doesn't have to be surrounded in {}. This was left that way to support the original special tax command, but allow for an arbitrary number or arguments in the future. 


For more general information on how to use Tag Commands in Shopify, you can review Creating and Using Tags in Shopify


Creating Special Tax Tags


BinderPOS allows for custom tax rates for individual items to be set with a special Tax Tag. A Tax Tag is a regular Shopify Product Tag, as is linked above, with a special format that will allow you to specify the name and rate of the tax to be applied to that item.


In order to move forward with establishing special taxes through tags, follow these steps:

  1. From your myShopify homepage, select Products on the left hand side
  2. Search for and open the product you wish to apply your discount to
  3. Scroll down to find the Tags section. Here you can either add a new tag, or utilize a previously made one
  4. Remember to select Save after you had added your tags


Creating Special Tax Tags

Adding new commands into your specific products is simple.  You can set an special taxes in the Point of Sale with the following tag:

  • AT{name}rate

Here, name is representative of what the title of the special tax will be; rate is the actual rate of taxation.


For example, if you wanted to set a tax rate called Food at a rate of 5.2% you would use the following tag: AT{Food}5.2
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