How to Customize Header Menu Items in Standard Theme

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Getting Started


Within the Header section of your store's homepage, you have the option to add menu items (also known as Mega Menus) to your main menu. These menu items may include nested items or drop-down menus. You can also further customize these menu items by adding eye catching labels like: 


For further customization, consider including images and specific products within the menu items' drop-down menus. This page is specifically focused on editing menu items in the main menu after they have already been created. If you are looking to change you header, check out Customizing Your Header. If you are trying to tag or edit a menu item that isn't visible on your main menu, please review How to Create and Manage Menu Items.


Adding or Editing Main Menu Items


Before you begin your customization, follow these steps to find the Header section:

  1. From your myShopify homepage, go to Online Store > Themes
  2. Find and click Customize
  3. You will see the customization menu on the left of your screen. Click the drop down arrow to the left of Header
  4. From here you can either click on an existing Menu Item or click Add Menu Item to begin customization








From here you have the option to edit or add menu items.



Choosing your Drop-Down

Before you begin to customize your drop-down, you have to select which item you wish to customize. The first section includes a text box; here you will input the name of the drop-down being edited.




In order for the customizations made here to link to the header menu, the Menu Item text box must match exactly. If the Menu Item text customizations are not going through, chances are that the names do not match exactly. One common example is having Pokémon in the menu header but inputting Pokemon in the Menu Item text box. As soon as these names have all the exact character inputs, the updates will transfer. An example of mismatched text will be shown below:


Notice how in the above image, when the Menu Item names are mismatched, the Pokemon header no longer has the SALE tag. When these names match, the header will correct itself, like in the image below:




From here, you can include tags to signify hot, new, or discounted items. To do so, simply turn the flags on or off by clicking Show Hot Tag, Show New Tag, or Show Sale Tag respectively.




The appearance of the tags are sure to catch the attention of your customers. They'll see the following:





When applied to the Mega Menus, customers will see these tags hovering over the chosen categories like so:




Enabling a Product

Following the section on Tags, you will see a check box titled Enable Product. This allows for you to highlight a specific product under your drop-down menu. In order to choose the specific product, you will click Select Product. 




Once the product is both enable and selected, the header menu drop-down will look something like this:




In the above instance, the added product may be a bit intrusive upon the Mega Menu items. To solve this issues, Mega Menu items can be customized in the Navigation settings or the added product image can be removed. For more information on editing drop-down menus in the Navigation tab, check out How to Add Drop-Down Menus


You must have nested and created a drop-down menu in order for the enabled product to be visible



Further Customization Options

Alongside being able to enable products to highlight, you can also add specific images or links beneath your drop-down menus as well. To add an image, you will click Select Image and choose or upload your desired image. You can do this up to two times. To add a link, you can find the text box titled Link. Input your web address or link to another page on your site here. After being customized, this section should look something like this:




With the above information input into the customization settings, the store webpage will populate the changes to the header menu drop-down. Customers will see the following:




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