How to Add to and Edit the Contact Page

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About the Contact Page


The contact section of your website is a useful tool for several reasons. It allows you to present:

  • store hours
  • contact information, such as phone number, email address, and socials
  • the physical address to the store + a GPS map
  • a comments/question section


By utilizing and customizing each of these sections, your customers will be more aware of when your store operates, where it operates, and how to contact you, if needed.


Organizing the Contact Page


Finding and Editing the Contact Page

In order to find the customization screen for your store's webpage, and in order to organize your contact page, please follow these steps:

  1. From your myShopify homepage, go to Online Store > Themes
  2. Find and click Customize
  3. You will see the customization menu on the left of your screen. Click Contact Page
  4. If you do not see Contact Page, scroll to the bottom of the customization menu and select Add section
  5. From here, find and select Contact Page to add the section to your page


Customizing the Contact Page

With your Home Page > Contact Page open, you will notice two main sections with several customizable features:

  • Show Banner With Address Book
    • Contact Banner Image
    • Heading
    • SubHeading
    • Additional Info
    • Display Google Map?
    • Google Map Code
  • Show Contact Form
    • Title
    • Subtitle


The first customizable section of your Contact Page is the Banner With Address Book. This section includes your stores: address, contact information, and opening hours. You will notice that you can toggle this entire section On/Off. Below are some of the features you can edit:


Contact Banner Image

To add an image or logo as a visual aid to your Banner Image With Address Book section, you can click Select Image and upload or choose an image to place with your address book. There is a suggested image size below this section. If your image is bigger or smaller than this suggested size, image quality will be affected. The recommended size looks something like this:


The recommended image size is the optimal size for clear presentation across all devices. If you add an image that is a different size and it looks good on your PC, it may not look as good on mobile or tablet


If you input a banner into this section, it will appear to the side of the address book, not as a background image


Heading and Sub-Heading

The Heading and Sub-Heading sections of your address book are the main title and subtitle for this section. You have the ability to customize it however you want. Because of this, feel free to create or edit names and sections according to the culture and atmosphere of your store.


Additional Info

This section is for any other important information that your store may want to address. This is easily customizable and updatable, so feel free to change and adapt this section as needed.


An example of how to use the Additional Info section: If the road in front of your shop is undergoing construction, you can give parking advice or adapted directions in this section, since it is right next to the store's address


Displaying Google Maps and Map Code

To better aid in finding your shop, you have the option to toggle On/Off Displaying Google Maps. If you want to add this convenient map and link to your website, the text box titled Google Map Code is where you can input the code to display that map.


Show Contact Form

The second section is the Contact Form. You have the option to toggle On/Off Show Contact Form, which allows customers to send messages or leave comments directly through the website instead of calling or sending messages through other means. If you decide to show the contact form, there are two customizable sections:


Title and Subtitle

You can edit and customize the text and subtext that introduce and clarify your Contact Form section. This is wholly customizable, so please utilize this to match your store's culture and atmosphere.

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