How to Add to and Edit the About Us Page

On This Page


About the About Us Page


This section of your homepage is a great way to  personalize your store and humanize your staff. You can share your store's mission, goals, or ideals. You can introduce new staff or celebrate experienced staff. You can use this space to talk about and acknowledge your local community and your impacts on that community. 


Aside from personalization, this section is a good way to highlight where your store has been and where your store will go. You can drop information on new services or expansions to the business. Ultimately, you can choose how you customize this section and choose what is important enough to share with your customers.


Organizing the About Us Page


Finding and Editing the About Us Page

In order to find the customization screen for your store's webpage, and in order to organize your About Us section, please follow these steps:

  1. From your myShopify homepage, go to Online Store > Themes
  2. Find and click Customize
  3. You will see the customization menu on the left of your screen. Click the drop-down arrow to the left of Aboutus Page
  4. If you do not see Aboutus Page, scroll to the bottom of the customization menu and select Add section
  5. From here, find and select Aboutus Page to add the section to your page


Adding About Services

Before you begin to customize the section as a whole, you will need to begin adding the services that you wish to display. To add them, please click Aboutus Page > Add About Service. At this point, the titles will be About Service. To edit these, please click Aboutus Page > About Service. In each service, you will notice four sections:

  • Image
  • Heading
  • Description
  • Link


You are only able to add up to 3 About Services to each About Us Page block. If you choose to include both Banner Block-1 and Banner Block-2, these About Services, called the Service Block, will be sandwiched between them



Click Select Image to add to your service and description. Please notice the recommended image size below this section. It will look something like this:


The recommended image size is the optimal size for clear presentation across all devices. If you add an image that is a different size and it looks good on your PC, it may not look as good on mobile or tablet


Heading and Description

The Heading and Description sections of your service are the heading and title, respectively. You can name the service and give a short description here.


In the text box in this section, you can input a web address or choose another page from the drop-down menu. This link will connect with the Heading of the service. The drop-down menu will look something like this:


After Adding Services

Organizing Service Order

After you have finished adding all of your services, you can adjust the order that they are shown in (from left to right) by dragging and reordering them using the 6 dot symbol to the right of each service. You can see this symbol here:

Customizing About Us Page Presentation

After you have finished adding and organizing your services, the last step to consider is how you wish to present them. In order to do this, please click on Aboutus Page. Here you will notice three sections with several customizable features:

  • About Banner Block1
    • Show About Banner Block
    • Image
    • Hover
    • Link
    • Heading
    • Description
    • About Button Text
    • Button Link
  • About Banner Block2
  • Service Block


About Banner Blocks

Both Banner Blocks include a toggle On/Off switch and have the same customizable features. The only difference between these two is their placement and orientation on your homepage. If you choose to include both of these blocks, please also remember that the Service Block sits between them.



You can click Select Image to choose or upload an image for your banner. Please notice the recommended image size below this section. It will look something like this:

The recommended image size is the optimal size for clear presentation across all devices. If you add an image that is a different size and it looks good on your PC, it may not look as good on mobile or tablet



The Hover effect takes place when a mouse hovers over the banner image. You can customize and choose from several different effects. It is recommended that you experiment with them and see how these effects work with your store's homepage across different devices. 



In the text box in this section, you can input a web address or choose another page from the drop-down menu. This link will connect with the banner image. The drop-down menu will look something like this:





Heading and Description

The Heading and Description sections of your service are the heading and title, respectively. You can name this banner section and give a short description.


About Button Text and Button Link

You can also include an About Button and link it to a web address or choose another page from the drop-down menu. If you do not want to include an About Button, you can leave the text block blank.


Service Block

The Service Block is where the About Services blocks are housed. You can customize two sections here: Main Title and Sub Title.


Main Title and Sub Title

These two sections focus on labeling your collection of services. The customization and naming conventions are wholly your store's; we recommend customizing them to fit the themes of your services as well as the culture of your store.

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