Scan & Identify Users, Roles, and Permissions in the Seller Portal

In the TCGplayer Seller Portal, users and roles can be set up for users in the TCGplayer Pro program. The User Roles page can be found in the Seller Portal under the Pro Settings tab.


What are Users and Roles?

  • Users (sometimes referred to as “sub-users”) are additional login credentials that allow another person access to your seller account without giving them the main credentials for the account.
  • Roles allow you to quickly define a predetermined list of actions or areas within your account that a given user has permission to view and work on. These roles can be reused across multiple users if desired.
    • For example: you might have an employee in your store who you’d like to allow access to the Inventory tab for your seller account, but you don’t want them to have access to the Reports tab. When creating a new Role, you can make these selections, then assign that Role to a new user under your account, so that the employee can have the proper designated access.


How does Scan & Identify Utilize Roles and Permissions?

Please note, Scan & Identify is currently in open beta.

Currently, Scan & Identify does not currently interact with the TCGplayer Seller Portal settings for users and roles.

What Does This Mean?

  • As long as your main login for your seller account has access to the new Scan & Identify tab, all users under your account will also have access to Scan & Identify.
  • Any user under your account will be able to perform any action within Scan & Identify.


Things to Consider

  • Since certain actions within the Scan & Identify workflow are not restricted by Roles, any of your users can:
    • Import items into Scan & Identify.
    • Delete items from Scan & Identify.
    • Apply or update your pricing settings.
    • Make updates to items once they’ve been imported (eg. make match selections, or update an item’s condition or language).
    • Push items to your Staged or Live inventory.


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