How Scan & Identify Technology Works

Please note, Scan & Identify is currently in open beta.


What makes Scan & Identify different?

Scan & Identify is powered by Roca Vision, the same computer vision that powers our Roca Sorters. We’ve built this technology to balance accuracy, speed, and self-awareness, to create what we believe is one of the best automated card recognition solutions available in the hobby industry today.

This technology is different from other computer vision for collectible cards you might have used previously:

  1. We tell you how confident we are in each of the cards we identify. This way, you can focus your time/labor doing quality control on the cards more likely to be incorrect.
  2. All of our provided matches are tied to a specific item in the TCGplayer catalog. Given the growing number of cards that are printed multiple times and with different variants, we know this matters! It makes listing them extremely easy and ensures your potential customers know exactly what they’re looking at.


What “Match Confidence” Means

Roca Vision is transparent about how accurate it believes its matches to be. We use 4 different terms:

  1. GOOD: We are highly confident in our identification accuracy of this match. It is nearly ~100% likely to be correct.
    1. This should not need a manual review.
    2. These scans appear in “Matched to Catalog.”
  2. FAIR: We are mostly confident in our identification accuracy of this match. It is over ~98% likely to be correct.
    1. You may want to review them.
    2. These scans appear in “Matched to Catalog.”
  3. POOR: We are not confident in this match’s accuracy and expect it to be incorrect.
    1. These scans appear in “Unidentified.”
  4. MANUAL: Matches that you’ve manually matched/corrected will have their label changed to reflect this.
    1. All matches moved from “Unidentified” to “Matched to Catalog” will have this value.


Non-English Cards

Our computer vision can currently only identify non-English cards if there is an English version of the card with the same artwork. Because the text of a non-English card may impact visual aspects that our computer vision relies on to identify cards, the system may have less success with some non-English cards.


Scan & Identify: Roca Sorter Card Rejection Threshold

If your Roca Sorter’s “Card Rejection Threshold” setting was set to “Conservative” or “Standard,” you should expect that some of the cards that were rejected by the Roca may appear in the “Matched to Catalog” tab. See the table below for reference.

Card Rejection Threshold Confidence Levels Rejected Included in
Conservative Fair, Poor “Matched to Catalog” tab
Standard Poor “Unidentified” tab
Best Guess Poor “Unidentified” tab


Cards That Are Challenging to Recognize

While Roca Vision is excellent at identifying the vast majority of cards for the product lines it supports, there are some cards that are more challenging to detect. Should any of these cards be among those you’ve scanned, expect the Confidence associated with them to be lower. We suggest giving them extra scrutiny when scanned, to ensure that any errors are identified.


Magic: The Gathering

  • Special foils (e.g. surge foils, etched foils, confetti foils)
  • Basic lands
  • Tokens (esp. double-sided tokens with alternate art on one side)
  • Reprints spanning multiple Core sets, with specific confusion between the following sets:
    • Unlimited and Revised
    • 4th and 5th Edition
    • 8th and 9th Edition
    • M10 through M14
  • Commander set reprint cards
  • Old school reprint box sets like Chronicles, Beatdown and Battle Royale
  • All of these card types will appear either as their more common variants or in Unidentified
    • Non-English black bordered cards
    • International Edition
    • Collector’s Edition
    • Stamped cards:
      • Promo Pack cards with Planeswalker stamps
      • Launch event promos with stamps
      • Prerelease cards
      • Signed Art cards: These will identify as their unsigned variant
  • Alpha and Beta cards
    • These cards will be identified as Unlimited or Revised


  • Basic Energies
  • Shadowless Base Set
  • All silver bordered cards with reprints that have been printed since Scarlet & Violet
  • Trainer cards from Wizards of the Coast published sets from 1998-2003


  • Trap cards
  • 25th Anniversary Rarity Collection (2023)
  • 25th Anniversary Rarity Collection II (2024)
  • Megapack sets
  • Rarity Collection
  • Cards reprinted in 1st Edition, Limited, Unlimited
  • Legend of Blue Eyes (LOB)
  • Metal Raiders (MRD)
  • Spell Ruler/Magic Ruler (SRL/MRL)
  • Pharaoh’s Servant (PSV)
  • Dark Crisis (DCR)
  • Invasion of Chaos (IOC)
  • OTS (Set codes OP01 through OP26)

Yu-Gi-Oh! Rarities and Foiling Categories

To ensure Roca Vision accuracy, each Scan & Identify import batch may only contain cards of a single rarity foiling category: Partial or No Foiling or Full Foiling. Here’s a high-level guideline for how to tell the difference and sort your cards:

  • Partial or No Foiling: There is no foiling, or foiling is only applied to certain sections of the card
  • Full Foiling: Foiling is applied to the entire card surface

Below is the rarity-foiling category mapping for every YGO rarity. We’ve also provided detailed visual guidelines on how each of these rarities are printed, to make it easier for you to identify them. For more information, please read our guide to Yu-Gi-Oh rarities.



    Foiling Detail


(links to examples)

Prevalence Category Name Artwork Attribute symbol Stars Artwork border Lore border Card border Card surface

Common (C) /

Short Print (SP)

In every set

No or Partial Foiling

Rare (R) No longer in core sets as of Eternity Code (2020) No or Partial Foiling Silver holofoil letters or Black-foil letters
Super Rare (SR) In every set No or Partial Foiling Holofoil background
Ultra Rare (UR) In every set No or Partial Foiling Gold holofoil letters Holofoil background
Collector's Rare (CR) exclusive to 60-card sets Full Foiling rainbow-colored reflective pattern rainbow-colored reflective pattern rainbow-colored reflective pattern rainbow-colored reflective pattern rainbow-colored reflective pattern  
Colorful Rare exclusive to reprint sets, always Ultra Rare slot Full Foiling Colored foil (not gold nor silver), color varies by set
Duel Terminal Parallel Common (DPC) Exclusive to the Duel Terminal vending machines and not tournament legal Full Foiling Dot holofoil coating
Duel Terminal Rare Parallel Rare (DRPR) Exclusive to the Duel Terminal vending machines and not tournament legal Full Foiling Silver holofoil letters Dot holofoil coating
Duel Terminal Super Parallel Rare (DSPR) Exclusive to the Duel Terminal vending machines and not tournament legal Full Foiling Holofoil background Dot holofoil coating
Duel Terminal Ultra Parallel Rare (DUPR) Exclusive to the Duel Terminal vending machines and not tournament legal Full Foiling Gold holofoil letters Holofoil background Dot holofoil coating
Ghost Gold Rare

Exclusive to the Gold Series: Haunted Mine set

There are currently only 6 Ghost/Gold Rare cards

Full Foiling Gold holofoil letters Holofoil background with "washed-out" colors Gold holofoil Gold holofoil Gold holofoil Gold holofoil Holographic effect
Ghost Rare (GH) 56 total 42 sets; 1 per set with exception for "Ghost"-named sets where these are featured heavily Full Foiling Silver holographic letters Holofoil background with "washed-out" colors Holographic effect
Gold Rare (GUR) Exclusive to "Gold"-named sets; (~8 sets) Full Foiling Gold prismatic holofoil letters Holofoil background Embossed gold holofoil Gold holofoil Gold holofoil Gold holofoil
Gold Secret Rare A variant of Gold Rare Full Foiling Gold prismatic holofoil letters Parallel holofoil background Parallel holofoil Parallel holofoil Parallel holofoil Parallel holofoil  
Parallel Rare (P) Not prevalent; only older promos -- Only use "Parallel Rare" in the TCG Full Foiling Holographic coating over entire surface, with holofoil as follows (see also Explanation on Differences in Parallel Rares) Holographic coating
Platinum Rare Exclusive to the Noble Knights of the Round Table Box Set Full Foiling Platinum-colored foil letters Platinum-colored foil Platinum-colored foil Platinum-colored foil Platinum-colored foil Platinum-colored foil Platinum-colored foil (except text box and attribute symbol)
Platinum Secret Rare (PS) Currently exclusive to the 2014 & 2015 Mega-Tins and 25th Anniversary Rarity Collection Full Foiling Platinum-colored foil letters Platinum-colored foil Varies Platinum-colored foil Platinum-colored foil Platinum-colored foil Platinum-colored foil

- Platinum-colored foil throughout (2014 and 2015 mega tins)

- Platinum-colored foil except text box and attribute symbol (24th Anniversary Rarity Collection)

Prismatic Collector’s Rare Currently exclusive to the 25th Anniversary Rarity Collection and 25th Anniversary Rarity Collection II Full Foiling Rainbow-colored reflective pattern Rainbow-colored reflective pattern Rainbow-colored reflective pattern Rainbow-colored reflective pattern Rainbow-colored reflective pattern Glossy dot matrix foil on all but artwork and lore box
Prismatic Secret Rare (PSE) Has only appeared in 3 sets Full Foiling Silver holographic letters Horizontal holofoil background
Quarter Century Secret Rare Exclusive to 25th anniversary year releases (3 sets) Full Foiling Rainbow holographic letters Holofoil background 25th anniversary logo watermark Dot holofoil coating
Secret Pharoah’s Rare Exclusive to 2 sets, 21 cards total Full Foiling Rainbow holographic letters Parallel holofoil background Vertically running Egyptian hieroglyphics
Secret Rare (SE) In nearly every core set Full Foiling Rainbow holographic letters Diagonal holofoil background
Secret Ultra Rare (ScUR) Only 3 cards have this rarity in the TCG (likely misprints) Full Foiling Gold holofoil letters Parallel holofoil background
Starlight Rare 2020-forward; usually under 5 instances per set appearance; appearances in 19 sets so far Full Foiling Silver holofoil letters "prism holofoil" horizontal holographic foil pattern "prism holofoil" horizontal holographic foil pattern "prism holofoil" horizontal holographic foil pattern "prism holofoil" horizontal holographic foil pattern "prism holofoil" horizontal holographic foil pattern "prism holofoil" horizontal holographic foil pattern Holographic coating
Ultimate Rare (UL) Starting in 2016, exclusive to Tournament Promo Packs Full Foiling Gold holofoil letters Embossed holofoil background Embossed gold holofoil Embossed gold holofoil Embossed gold holofoil Embossed gold holofoil (Duelist Revolution and later) Embossed gold holofoil (Duelist Revolution and later)
Ultra Pharaoh's Rare Exclusive to 2 sets, 21 cards total Full Foiling Gold holofoil letters Holofoil background Vertically running Egyptian hieroglyphics
Ultra Secret Rare (UScR) Only one card has this rarity in the TCG (a misprint) Full Foiling Silver holographic letters Holofoil background




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