How to Capture Images for Scan & Identify Using QuickScan Mobile App
For capturing a large number of card images quickly on a mobile device, there are several options on your App Store or Google Play Store that can capture JPG or PNG files.
We recommend using QuickScan: Document Scanner for its automatic scanning capability. This app can be downloaded for free on the smart device of your choosing.
General Setup: Image Area
To give the scanning app the best chance of success:
- Make sure the surface that the card will rest on is well lit.
- Use a light colored surface behind the card ( e.g., a blank sheet of paper) to help with quick identification.
Capturing Your Cards: Setup & Scanning Images
Before you start scanning, set up your scanning configuration for efficiency. You should only need to do this once.
- Open the QuickScan app.
- Select the camera button to start setting up camera options.
- On first launch, you’ll be prompted to give camera permissions to the app in order to proceed. Click “Allow.” This setting can be toggled on under Settings > Apps > Quick Scan > Camera. Please Note: It’s possible to select where the image files will be saved under Settings > Apps > Quick Scan > Document Storage.
- Select “Automatic” or “Manual” at the bottom of the image capture screen. “Automatic” will automatically capture images placed in front of the camera, while “Manual” requires a button tap to capture the image.
- A lightning bolt button will appear on the top left. This is the flash setting and defaults to off but can be enabled by tapping on it. Pay attention to the image capture when using a flash to avoid a glare. The flash is likely not needed if the area is well lit.
- Place the card on a light colored background in the image area, holding the device about 8” above the card to capture the image. The distance may need to be adjusted for best image quality.
- As the card is captured, a blue-lined box will appear on the screen around the card and the remaining background will darken. Select “Next” in the top right to scan the next card.
- Repeat steps 3 and 4 until all cards are captured.
- On the final card capture, select “Next” in the top right to ensure the final card image is included in the batch.
- Select the card batch group on the bottom right of the screen. The number of cards scanned will be in a blue circle.
- Select “Share” or “Save.” File name will save as [Doc_Year-Day-Month Time] unless renamed.
- If “Share” is desired, make sure the file type selected is JPG. Then choose where to share the file (e.g., Dropbox, Files, email, etc.)
- If ‘“Save” is desired, the images will be saved in your QuickScan files. These files can be viewed and retrieved from the home screen.