Enabling and Disabling a Channel

As part of Pro Seller by TCGplayer, we provide the ability to manage your inventory in whatever way works best for your business. This ensures all your products have distinct visibility and pricing according to the channel you’re using to sell.

There are currently two channels:

TCGplayer Marketplace Channel - This is the primary pricing channel for the TCGplayer Marketplace and is already enabled by default. The number of live inventory prices that apply to this channel will be shown in parentheses.

My Store Channel - This is an additional pricing option that allows you to set pricing and visibility exclusions for your Pro website and kiosks. This channel can be enabled or disabled. By default, this channel is disabled and contains no pricing.

Enabling Your My Store Channel

To get your inventory up and running, follow these steps:

1. Hide your inventory before you set up your channels. This will give you the freedom to set up your prices exactly the way you want before any customers see them.

2. Go to your Seller Portal, navigate to the TCGplayer Pro Settings tab and click on the "Channel Settings" button.

On the Pro Seller portal, the TCGplayer Pro Settings tab is selected at the top. On the left menu, Channel Settings is selected, which shows the option to Enable My Store.

3. Click on the "Enable My Store" button.

A close-up of the Enable My Store buton.

4. Confirm that you'd like to continue. All your current prices on the TCGplayer Marketplace will be copied to your new My Store Channel.

The Enable My Store Channel pop-up, which displays Confirm and Cancel buttons.

When you confirm enabling of your store channel, the screen will display a loading bar while your store queues price updates.

5. Once your prices are updated, you'll be able to edit your prices using your choice of the Pricing tab or MassPrice.

After your store is enabled, you will receive a confirmation message which provides links to edit prices using the Pricing Tab or MassPrice.

6. Once you're done, you can turn your store "Live" and your My Store and TCGplayer prices are ready to go!

Disabling Your My Store Channel

You can disable your My Store channel at any time by clicking the "Disable My Store" button and confirming your decision by selecting "Disable Channel". When you disable your My Store channel, your TCGplayer Marketplace prices will display on your Pro website. My Store Price and My Store Reserve Quantity will not show on the Pricing or Inventory tabs. Disabling your My Store Channel will permanently delete your My Store Price data—you will not be able to restore this later.

On the My Store Channel settings, the Disable My Store button is located near the top.

Once you select "Disable My Store," you'll be asked to confirm your choice:

The confirmation screen for disabling your store. This displayes Disable Channel and Cancel buttons.

Re-Enabling Your My Store Channel 

If you re-enable your My Store Channel after disabling it, you'll have to enter your prices again, using the same process you used when you initially set up your channel before disabling it.

The Enable My Store confirmation screen.

Change Log

  • 4/14/22 - Updated images.
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