How do I add a buylist to my Pro website?

Once you have added products to your Buylist catalog, you can easily add your Buylist to your Pro Website from Seller Portal on the TCGplayer Pro Settings tab.

  1. Log into the seller portal, and go to TCGplayer Pro Settings, click on Content in the left navigation panel. If you haven’t already created a Buylist page, click on Create New in the upper right side of the page.
    The option create a Buylist page on your Pro website is located on the Pro Settings page. Access Content on the left menu, and select Create New, then Buylist.

  2. On the Buylist page, add a name that will appear in the website navigation menu.   
    This page prompts you to enter a navigation title for the Buylist page you create.

When you've saved all your information, your Buylist will appear within the navigation bar at the top of your website.

An example Pro website with the navigation item Buylist displayed.


Change Log

  • 4/21/22 - Updated instructions and screenshots.
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