Order Process for Your Pro Website
Your TCGplayer Pro website features a checkout experience that's powered by TCGplayer.com. You'll manage all of your orders (website and Marketplace) within your TCGplayer Seller Portal, centralized and easy. When a customer checks out through your website, they'll leave your website and begin a checkout process through TCGplayer.
We set the checkout experience up this way for the following reasons:
- Security - Since transactions will take place through TCGplayer's secure checkout process, you won't need to set up your own payment processing. Plus, we'll resolve domestic lost package disputes and provide credit card fraud protection for orders made through your Pro website.
- Convenience - Any information that a TCGplayer.com customer adds to their account will automatically be available when they check out on your website. This will help with customer conversion, since all their address, credit card info, etc. will all be available to them at checkout.
- Assistance - If you need our help resolving issues with customers, you can simply escalate messages to our customer service team. At your request, we'll help with any order made through your TCGplayer website to provide you with peace of mind when handling difficult situations.
Please note: In order for our customer service team to assist you with orders made through your website, customers need to send all related messages through TCGplayer's Message Center rather than your Contact Us page.