Fee Calculation Examples

Here you will find examples of each type of TCGplayer fee calculation. For a concise breakdown of these fee types, please visit our TCGplayer Fees help file. 

In the calculation examples, we will be determining fees for the following sample order.


Note, Subtotal = Items + Shipping cost, and Order Total = Subtotal + Sales Tax

* In the fees listed above we are using NC Sales Tax as an example. Each state has unique sales tax rules and regulations. For more information check out How Sales Tax Works on TCGplayer.


Marketplace Seller (Level 1-4)

Marketplace Commission: 10.25% of Subtotal $66.30

  • (10.25%) * $66.30 = $6.80

PayPal/Credit Card Processing Fee: 2.5% + $0.30 of Order Total $70.78

  • $0.30 + (2.5% * $70.78) = $2.07

Total Marketplace Sale (Level 1-4 Seller) Fees =  Marketplace Commission + Total PayPal/Credit Card Fees 

  • $6.80 + $2.07 = $8.87


Marketplace Seller (Pro, Non-Direct Account)

Marketplace Commission = 9.25% of Subtotal $66.30

  • (9.25%) * $66.30 = $6.13

Pro Fee = 2.5% of Subtotal $66.30

  • (2.5%) * $66.30 = $1.66

PayPal/Credit Card Processing Fee = 2.5% + $0.30 of Order Total $70.78

  • $0.30 + (2.5% * $70.78) = $2.07

Total Marketplace Sale (Pro Sellers, Non-Direct) Fees = Marketplace Commission + Pro Fee + Total PayPal/Credit Card Fees 

  • $6.13 + $1.66 + $2.07 = $9.86


Marketplace Seller (Sync, Non-Direct Account)

Marketplace Commission: 9.25% of Subtotal $66.30

  • (9.25%) * $66.30 = $6.13 + Sync Fee (Determined by sync provider)

PayPal/Credit Card Processing Fee = 2.5%+$0.30 of Order Total $70.78

  • $0.30 + (2.5% * $70.78) = $2.07

+ Sync Fee (determined by Sync provider)

Total Marketplace Sale (Sync Sellers, Non-Direct) Fees = Marketplace Commission + Total PayPal/Credit Card Fees + Sync Fee

  • $6.13 + $2.07 + Sync Fee = $8.20 + Sync Fee


Direct by TCGplayer Seller (Non-Pro, Non-Sync Account)

Marketplace Commission (Direct and Non-Direct Orders) = 8.95% of Subtotal $66.30

  • (8.95%) * $66.30 = $5.93

PayPal/Credit Card Processing Fee = 2.5%+$0.30 of Order Total $70.78

  • $0.30 + (2.5% * $70.78) = $2.07

+ Direct Shipping Replacement Cost

Total Direct Sale (Non-Pro, Non-Sync) Fees = Marketplace Commission + Total PayPal/Credit Card Fees + Direct Shipping Replacement Cost

  • $5.93 + $2.07 = $8.00+Direct Shipping Replacement Cost


Direct by TCGplayer Seller (Pro Account)

Marketplace Commission (Direct and Non-Direct Orders) = 8.95% of Subtotal $66.30

  • (8.95%) * $66.30 = $5.93

Pro Fee = 2.5% of Subtotal $66.30 of Subtotal $66.30

  • (2.5%) * $66.30 = $1.66

PayPal/Credit Card Processing Fee = 2.5%+$0.30 of Order Total $70.78

  • $0.30 + (2.5% * $70.78) = $2.07

+ Direct Shipping Replacement Cost

Total Direct Sale (Pro Seller) Fees = Marketplace Commission + Pro Fee + Total PayPal/Credit Card Fees + Direct Shipping Replacement Cost

  • $5.93 + $1.66 + $2.07 = $9.66+Direct Shipping Replacement Cost


Direct by TCGplayerSeller (Sync Account)

Marketplace Commission (Direct and Non-Direct Orders) = 8.95% of Subtotal $66.30

  • (8.95%) * $66.30 = $5.93

PayPal/Credit Card Processing Fee = 2.5%+$0.30 of Order Total $70.78

  • $0.30 + (2.5% * $70.78) = $2.07

+ Sync Fee (Determined by sync provider)

+ Direct Shipping Replacement Cost

Total Direct Sale (Sync Seller) Fees = Marketplace Commission + Total PayPal/Credit Card Fees + Sync Fee + Direct Shipping Replacement Cost

  • $5.93 + $2.07 + Sync Fee = $8.00 + Sync Fee + Direct Shipping Replacement Cost


Pro Website Sale (Shipped)

Pro Fee: 2.5% of Subtotal $66.30

  • (2.5%) * $66.30 = $1.66

PayPal/Credit Card Processing Fee = 2.5%+$.30 of Order Total $70.78

  • $0.30 + (2.5% * $70.78) = $2.07

Total Pro Website Sale (Shipped) Fees = Pro Fee + Total Paypal/Credit Card Fees

  • $1.66+$2.07 = $3.73


Pro Website Sale (In-Store Pickup/Pay Now)

PayPal/Credit Card Processing Fee = 2.5%+$.30 of Order Total $70.78

  • $0.30 + (2.5% * $70.78) = $2.07

Total Pro Website Sale (In-Store Pickup/Pay Now) Fees: $2.07


Pro Website Sale (In-Store Pickup/Pay Later)/Kiosk

No Applicable Fees

Change Log

  • 7/11/22 - Updated SRC information.
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